
Education : How To Bridge The Gap Between Academic Curriculum & Industry Requirements?

“Irrigation yourself with better grades and your economic future is secure”.

This is the basic idea on which academic curriculum runs, by securing the economic future of an individual through categorising them in grading system, like product in factory. Which explains why the curriculum put students in straight rows, nice and neat, tell them sit still, raise their hands if they want to speak, give them a short break to eat and for 8 hours a day tell them what to think and make them complete to get an “A”. A letter which determines product quality or student’s abilities. And this schedule is practiced from primary schooling. Despite of categorising the minds in stereotype criteria’s, the inbuilt skills of a student must be enhanced.

But rather than creating and developing the skill of their interest, the importance is given to the report card. Due to which the child grows with the aim to score good marks, neglecting his field of interest.

The situation is worst when at a time, the interest is buried with the expectations, competition and huge academic syllabus. And later when they opt for Job, they are “rejected”. This is only because Industries don’t want a person with good academic background but should have some skills required for the vacant post. This is equally true that industry also need skilful employees as much as the aspirants need the job. For bridging the gap following ideas can be taken care of.

1. Besides the domain skill, the industry also looks at soft skills, team building, values and attitude of an individual at the time of hiring. This can be developed by collaboration of joint degrees in academic institutes which results in almost job ready students.

2. Events of short term interaction of students with industrialists, which will generate a sense of understanding the requirements of industry.

3. It should be made compulsory for higher degrees mentors or professors that they carry a specific practical exposure in their field. Because, only if they carry a sound practical knowledge in reference to their field, then only they can teach the students accordingly.

4. Importance should be given to practical knowledge. For example, engineers don’t even know different programming languages for which they are forced to join some coaching institutions. For a Commerce Student he is never thought the basics of Tally practically. And for the students of humanity, the practical exposure is the basic requirement which is not available in academic syllabus.

Concluding, the situation of academic curriculum and requirements of industry, this should be kept in mind that every person is born with some additional ability different from everyone, only the requirement is bridging gap between the ability, or skills and the stage this skill should be honored on. And a world where the currently reoccurring statement can be erased from the tongue of fresher’s

“Inconvenience deeply regretted sir”.