
Streamlining GSTR-1 e-Commerce sales with TallyPrime 4.1

Since the digital era has completely changed business processes, e-commerce has become a major…

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Since the digital era has completely changed business processes, e-commerce has become a major part of the world economy. Financial transaction and compliance administration are becoming more difficult as companies adjust to this internet shift.

Now enter TallyPrime 4.1, a powerful company management program designed to make these chores easier, especially when it comes to GST (goods and services tax) compliance. This post explores how TallyPrime 4.1 simplifies GSTR-1 e-commerce sales and outlines the benefits of attending Tally Prime training.

What is GSTR-1?

Every Indian taxpayer who is registered is required to submit a GSTR-1, a monthly or quarterly report that lists all of their outgoing supply of goods and services. For companies that sell online, this covers all sales conducted on their websites. Ensuring that the right amount of GST is paid and that appropriate records are kept for auditing reasons depends on GSTR-1.

E-commerce challenges filling of GSTR-1

GSTR-1 returns provide particular difficulties for e-commerce companies:

1. Volume of Transactions: Because e-commerce systems process a lot of transactions, human data input is quite time-consuming and prone to mistakes.

2. Multiple Tax Rates: The precise classification and tax computation may be hampered by the possibility that various items receive different GST rates.

3. Interstate Transactions: Acquiring sales over state boundaries necessitates exact monitoring of the differences between the State GST (SGST) and Central GST (CGST).

4. Returns and Refunds: Keeping correct documentation for GSTR-1 filing becomes much more difficult when handling returns and refunds.

The TallyPrime 4.1: An E-Commerce GSTR-1 Solution

Advanced company management software like TallyPrime 4.1 successfully tackles these issues. Let us examine its salient characteristics and how it simplifies the GSTR-1 online sales procedure.

1. TallyPrime 4.1 automates data input, minimizes mistakes, and guarantees data correctness, therefore reducing human labor.

2. All transactions are made compatible with current laws since the software is updated with the most recent GST rules.

3. TallyPrime 4.1 provides a simple user interface that even for those with little technical experience, making navigation and operation simple.

4. It offers thorough reports that facilitate effective analysis of sales, returns, and tax obligations by companies.

GSTR-1 simplified with TallyPrime 4.1

1. Accurate and automated data capture

The capacity of TallyPrime 4.1 to automate data collecting from online transactions is one of its best features. TallyPrime makes sure that all sales data is imported precisely and classified appropriately by interacting with a number of e-commerce systems. This guarantees that all pertinent information is recorded for GSTR-1 filing and lowers the possibility of human input mistakes.

2. Tax calculations made simple

Because TallyPrime 4.1 applies the right GST rates to every product category automatically, tax computations are made simpler. This guarantees companies charge the right GST amount on every transaction and stay in line with tax laws.

3. Refund and return management

Correct GSTR-1 filing depends on handling returns and refunds. Thoroughly monitoring all returns and refunds, TallyPrime 4.1 makes sure the GSTR-1 return accurately reflects them. Businesses may stay away from disparities and possible fines in this way.

4. Interstate transaction processing

The intricacies of cross-state transactions are handled by TallyPrime 4.1. Businesses are guaranteed to comply with the tax obligations for interstate sales by its precise separation of IGST, CGST, and SGST. This helps e-commerce companies who operate in many states especially.

5. Extensive analytics and reports

TallyPrime 4.1 allows companies to provide comprehensive reports on their return files, tax obligations, and e-commerce transactions. Strategic decision-making is aided by the insightful information these reports provide on company performance. Furthermore helping to spot patterns and optimize operations are the analytics features of the program.

Significance of Tally prime course

Knowledge of TallyPrime 4.1 is necessary to properly use its features. In such a case, Tally Prime training is very helpful. As more companies in the area use digital solutions, there is a growing need for qualified experts who can handle these technologies. Best Tally classes in Ahmedabad gives participants the abilities they need to effectively handle financial transactions, GST compliance, and e-commerce sales.

Some of the features of the tally prime course includes:

1. Comprehensive learning: To guarantee that students have a complete grasp of TallyPrime 4.1, the course covers all functions, from fundamental procedures to complex ones.

2. Practical training: Emphasizing practical, hands-on training guarantees that students can use their knowledge in real-world situations, therefore preparing them for the workforce.

3. Expert guidance: Skilled teachers provide individualized direction and assistance to help students go over any obstacles.

4. Industry-Relevant Skills: By adhering to industry standards, the course curriculum guarantees that students get skills that employers highly value.

There are several more job options available after completing Tally Prime training in Ahmedabad. Graduates may go after jobs like:

1. Accountants: keeping track of financial transactions and guaranteeing that GST laws are followed.

2. Analysts: Financial analysts are those who examine financial data to provide suggestions and insights for expanding a company.

3. Consultants: GST consultants help firms file GSTR-1 returns and comply with GST.

4. Managers of E-commerce: Supervising the activities of e-commerce and guaranteeing correct financial reporting.


Strong software TallyPrime 4.1 makes GSTR-1 e-commerce sales easier to understand and guarantees efficiency and compliance. TallyPrime 4.1 reduces tax computations, automates data collecting, and offers extensive reporting so that companies may concentrate on expansion.

An ideal chance for anybody wishing to fully use this Tally Prime and TDS Course program provided by S20 (www.s20.in). With thorough instruction, hands-on experience, and professional direction, the course gives students the abilities they need to succeed in a variety of financial and e-commerce-related positions.

Keeping ahead of the curve is essential in the ever-changing field of e-commerce. Reaching this goal and guaranteeing compliance in a market that is always changing may be accomplished with TallyPrime 4.1 and the appropriate training.

Top Reasons for GST Notices – Are You at Risk?

The Goods and Services Tax (GST) has combined several indirect taxes into a single…

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The Goods and Services Tax (GST) has combined several indirect taxes into a single tax structure, revolutionizing taxation in many nations, including India. GST streamlines taxes, but compliance is vital and complicated. GST notifications from tax authorities may be intimidating for businesses and individuals. Understanding the reasons for these alerts helps improve compliance and prevent problems from escalating.

Introduction to GST notices

Tax authorities send GST notifications to notify or require taxpayer action on inconsistencies, defaults, or compliance difficulties. These notifications might be basic inquiries or more significant tax evasion or fraud claims. Businesses must understand GST notification kinds and reasons to manage the GST system.

Common GST notice causes

1. Mismatched GSTR-3B and 2A

A GST notification is often sent when a taxpayer’s GSTR-3B return (summary return) does not match their GSTR-2A return (auto-populated from supplier reports). Differences between these two returns may suggest input tax credit under- or over-reporting, triggering notifications.


A company may claim ITC on invoices received, but if the supplier misreports them, the discrepancy occurs. Prevent such notifications by reconciling GSTR-3B and GSTR-2A regularly.

2. Late or non-filing returns

GST mandates timely submission of GSTR-1, GSTR-3B, and yearly returns. Not submitting or late filing these returns results in notifications and fines. Consistent late filing may also revoke GST registration.


A taxpayer who repeatedly misses the GSTR-3B deadline may get a notification requesting the late taxes plus fines and interest.

3. Annual return and reconciliation statement discrepancies

Businesses need annual returns (GSTR-9) and reconciliation statements (GSTR-9C) to summarize their yearly activity. The periodic returns (GSTR-1 and GSTR-3B) submitted during the year may differ from these returns, resulting in notifications.


A business’s yearly return may show different sales than its monthly or quarterly results. The tax authorities need explanations for such anomalies.

4. Over Claiming input tax credits

An excessive ITC claim raises concerns for tax officials. ITC claims that look excessive to the business’s turnover or industry norms are typically followed with notices.


If a small retail shop claims ITC that exceeds actual sales, the authorities may request verification and explanation.

5. GST turnover not matching income tax returns

Tax authorities compare GST and income tax turnover. Significant differences may indicate underreporting of income or sales.


A taxpayer may report larger sales in income tax returns to get advantages but lower sales in GST filings to avoid tax burden, resulting in a mismatch and notification.

6. Electronic credit ledger credit use

Notices may result from improper use of electronic credit ledger credits, such as GST-prohibited credits.


A firm may be audited for using capital goods credits to pay GST on external deliveries.

7. E-Way bill compliance issues

The e-way bill system tracks items to prevent tax evasion. Notices might come from non-generation, erroneous facts, or e-way bill-to-goods mismatches.


If items are carried without a valid e-way bill or with erroneous data, the firm may be warned.

8. TDS/TCS return discrepancies

TDS and TCS under GST ensure compliance for specific transactions. TDS/TCS return discrepancies or non-filing might result in notifications.


TDS-deducting businesses who fail to submit returns or declare erroneous amounts may get notification from the authorities.

9. Tax non-payment or short payment notices

Nonpayment or underpayment of taxes is significant. Authorities send reminders to collect taxes, interest, and penalties.


A firm that underreports its GSTR-3B tax due relative to sales data will get a notice to make up the difference.

Types of GST notices

GST notifications in different formats serve different purposes. Knowing the sorts of notifications helps handle them.

1. Non-Filing Notice (GSTR-3A)

This notification requires taxpayers to submit returns and pay late fines when they miss the deadline.

a. Section 61

Mismatches between GSTR-3B and GSTR-2A or GSTR-1 during return inspection result in this notification.

b. Section 70

Tax authorities send summons to taxpayers to furnish information or documents for investigations.

c. Sections 73–74

The notifications need an explanation for tax non-payment or short payment. Section 73 covers non-fraudulent situations, whereas Section 74 covers fraud or deliberate falsification.

d. Section 75

After a show cause notice, this notification seeks tax, interest, and penalties.

e. Section 60

This notification lets the taxpayer pay taxes until final assessment if they need provisional assessment owing to tax obligation calculation issues.

Registration cancellation notice (Section 29)

This notification seeks explanations why the taxpayer’s registration should not be terminated when they fail to comply.

Responding to GST notices

Receiving a GST notice is stressful, but responding quickly and correctly is essential. Here are some steps:

a. Understand notice

Read the notification carefully to understand its purpose, kind, and action. Find the GST legislation provisions that issue the notice.

b. Get relevant info

Gather notice-related papers and information. It may contain invoices, refunds, ledgers, and other documents.

c. Seek professional advice

Consult a tax specialist or consultant if the notice includes complicated concerns or substantial sums.

d. Quickly respond

Timely reaction is crucial. Address notice points and offer explanations or documentation.

e. Fix errors

Correct mistakes and inconsistencies in future returns and retain records if the notification is required.

f. Prep for hearing

Prepare for a hearing by gathering all essential papers and explaining your stance.

g. Following up

Keep track of the notification and contact authorities if necessary. Record all reactions and activities.

GST compliance best practices

Having tally training in Ahmedabad can help you know the GST compliance best practices. Businesses should follow GST compliance best practices to avoid GST notices:

1. Regular reconciliation

To catch anomalies early, reconcile GSTR-3B with GSTR-2A, GSTR-1, and accounting records regularly.

2. Timely filing

File GST returns on time to avoid late penalties, interest, and notifications.

3. Correct recording

Keep meticulous records of transactions, invoices, and refunds. This clarifies questions and contradictions.

4. Awareness and training

To prevent mistakes, teach GST compliance professionals on the latest changes, laws, and best practices.

5. Using technology

Use GST software for correct tax submission, reconciliation, and record-keeping.

6. Professional advice

For complicated concerns or compliance questions, consult tax specialists.


GST notifications help tax administrators resolve issues and ensure compliance. Businesses may reduce these alerts and manage them better by understanding their causes and following best practices. Professional counsel and timely, correct compliance are essential for GST success.

Struggling with Accounting Issues? Discover Best Expert Tips to Solve Them Now!

Accounting is the backbone of any business that provides clarity about financial health and…

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Accounting is the backbone of any business that provides clarity about financial health and supports the decision making. However, it doesn’t come without its challenges.

Companies deal with various accounting issues, including cash flow management and compliance with regulations, which demand efficient and effective resolutions. This article will tackle 8 common accounting problems and offer practical solutions that you can use to have accurate and trustworthy financial records.

1. Inaccurate record keeping

Accurate record-keeping is the basis of good accounting. Yet, most organizations are faced with the challenges of properly recording business transactions. Mistakes in documenting financial operations can cause financial inaccuracies, faulty tax filings, and improper financial planning.

Solution: Companies should take advantage of the automated accounting software that is easily integrated into other business systems, such as POS and CRM. These integrations make sure that all financial data gets into the accounting system in real time, hence minimizing errors. This preventive approach ensures the accuracy and legitimacy of the financial records.

2. Cash flow management

Poor cash flow management may limit the smooth running of a business. Without a clear view of the cash inflows and outflows, businesses might end up struggling with paying bills or expanding.

Solution: Develop detailed cash flow projections. Use tools that can project future cash flow based on past data and anticipated future deals. It is necessary to evaluate consistently the forecasts against the actual cash flow and make the necessary adjustments to business strategies. If you need cash flow to improve, consider invoice factoring as a quick solution.

3. Not keeping up with tax regulations

Tax rules are intricate and they are constantly changing. Lack of proper understanding of current tax laws could mean violation, penalties, and fines. Particularly, this is of great importance for firms operating in several jurisdictions, each with its own tax laws and regulations.

Solution: Invest in a business accounting course, in order to make sure that you or your team are competent in handling the current tax laws and regulations. Besides, you may need a tax consultant or tax software to do it right and meet all your tax responsibilities. Keeping up to date with tax changes from reputable sources is important because it helps to develop accurate tax planning and reporting.

4. Misclassification of expenses

Categorizing an expense inaccurately can manipulate financial statements and result in incorrect tax filings. This problem often occurs in case of inadequate categorization of expenditures, which makes it difficult to track and manage expenses.

Solution: Create a detailed chart of accounts showing expense categories. Ensure correct classification of transactions by reviewing expense reports on a frequent basis. Training staff on the right expense classification and using accounting software with inbuilt category features is an effective way to prevent such problems.

5. Failing to reconcile accounts

The frequent account reconciliation is a key factor that guarantees the compliance of the financial records with the bank statements and allows correcting the mistakes. Not balancing accounts can lead to hidden fraud, mistakes, and financial misconduct.

Solution: Schedule monthly account reconciliation, this will help keep financial records accurate. Use accounting software that makes it easy to reconcile by automatically matching transactions. This practice preserves transparency as well as precision in financial reporting.

6. Inefficient payroll management

Errors in payroll can cause dissatisfaction in employees, non-compliance, and finance inconsistency. Manual processing of payroll increases the chance of mistakes including the wrong rate computation, missed deductions, as well as delayed payments.

Solution: By purchasing payroll software that will specifically automate the payroll procedure, the company will be able to maintain accuracy and compliance with laws and regulations. Regular audits of payroll calculations and records, together with continuous training on new regulations, can help to avoid the problems. Putting a system in place to review all the employee data on schedule can help to reduce payroll errors.

7. Inadequate financial analysis

Without a strong financial analysis, businesses may lose the ability to make the correct decisions. Lack of financial analysis can lead to lost opportunities, poor strategic planning and financial downturns.

Solution: Utilize financial analysis tools and techniques to evaluate the financial performance. Consistently review principal financial ratios, like profitability ratios, liquidity ratios, and return on investments.

Invest in taxation course syllabus training in Ahmedabad to hone your financial analysis skills as well as, to make data-driven decisions. This approach provides complete knowledge about the financial well-being of the company and helps in strategic decision making.

8. Lack of internal controls

Internal controls are paramount to the prevention of fraud, efficient financial reporting, and protection of assets. Absence of established internal controls can result in financial mismanagement and higher susceptibility or exposure to fraud.

Solution: Implement good internal controls such as segregation of duties, regular audits and approval for financial transactions. Create financial management policies and ensure that all personnel are sufficiently trained on them. Keep monitoring and revising internal controls in order to respond to new risks.


Accounting issues could lead to huge problems if they are not solved quickly and correctly. Learning these common problems and putting practical measures in place will help businesses to become financially mature and comply with the laws and regulations. Whether by investing in technology, strengthening internal controls, or participating in a business accounting and taxation course, businesses can overcome the problem and attain financial stability seamlessly.

How to file TDS on the Sale of Property – Section 194IA

Navigating the complex world of tax regulations in real estate transactions is critical for…

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Navigating the complex world of tax regulations in real estate transactions is critical for both buyers and sellers. Section 194IA of the Income Tax Act introduces the idea of Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) on the sale of immovable property, which adds another level of compliance to property transactions. This clause requires the buyer to deduct TDS at the time of property transfer, making it critical for anyone involved in real estate transactions to understand the complexities of TDS compliance. In this post, we will look at the fundamentals of filing TDS on the sale of a property under Section 194IA, providing thorough advice for purchasers and sellers.

Understanding the complexities of Section 194IA is critical for individuals who want to master the art of TDS return filing and ensure compliance with the tax rules that govern property transactions. This article not only explains the procedural aspects of TDS filing, but it also emphasizes the need of taking a TDS Return Filing Course. Such a training is beneficial for persons seeking in-depth understanding about the TDS filing procedure, guaranteeing easy compliance with regulatory standards, and cultivating financial prudence in real estate transactions. Join us on this trip as we delve into the complexities of TDS on property sales, laying the groundwork for anyone looking to improve their knowledge through a TDS Return Filing Course.

Requirements of Section 194IA – TDS on Sale of Property

When purchasing immovable property, such as a building, part of a building, or any land (excluding agricultural land) exceeding Rs 50 lakhs, the buyer must adhere to the provisions outlined in Section 194-IA of the Income Tax Act, effective from June 1, 2013.

  1. TDS Deduction Rate: The buyer is obligated to deduct Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) at a rate of 1% on the total sale amount. Notably, the responsibility lies with the buyer, not the seller.
  2. Threshold for TDS: TDS is mandatory only when the total sale price surpasses Rs 50 lakhs.
  3. Instalment Payments: If the payment is made in instalments, TDS must be deducted for each instalment.
  4. Consideration for Immovable Property: The ‘consideration for immovable property’ includes various charges like club membership fee, parking fee, electricity or water facility fee, maintenance fee, and other similar charges related to the property transfer. This applies to properties purchased on or after September 1, 2019, following the Budget 2019 amendment.
  5. TDS Calculation Example: TDS is calculated on the entire sale amount. For instance, if a house is bought for Rs 55 lakhs, TDS is applicable on the entire amount (Rs 55 lakhs) and not just the excess over Rs 50 lakhs.
  6. TAN Requirement: The buyer does not need a Tax Deduction Account Number (TAN) for TDS deposition; payment can be made using the PAN.
  7. PAN of Seller: To deposit TDS, the buyer must obtain the PAN of the seller; otherwise, TDS must be deducted at a rate of 20%.
  8. Time of TDS Deduction: TDS is deducted at the time of payment, including instalment payments.
  9. Form 26QB Submission: The TDS on immovable property must be paid using Form 26QB within 30 days from the end of the month in which TDS was deducted.
  10. TDS Certificate Issuance: After depositing TDS with the government, the buyer is required to furnish Form 16B (TDS certificate) to the seller within 10-15 days.

Understanding these requirements ensures compliance with TDS regulations and facilitates a smooth property transaction process.

Mandatory Submission of Form 26QB for TDS on Immovable Property Transfer

In accordance with the Finance Act of 2013, TDS is obligatory for the transfer of immovable property when the consideration equals or exceeds Rs 50 Lakhs.

Section 194 IA of the Income Tax Act, 1961, coupled with Rules 30, 31, and 31A, stipulates the following:

  1. Commencing from June 1, 2013, purchasers must deduct 1% tax at the time of payment for the sale consideration.
  2. The deducted tax must be deposited into the Government Account through e-tax payment options like Netbanking or authorized bank branches.
  3. The sum deducted under section 194-IA must be paid to the Central Government’s credit within seven days from the end of the deduction month.
  4. Both the seller’s and purchaser’s PANs must be compulsorily provided in an online form (Form 26QB) to furnish details about the property transaction. The facility is available on tin-nsdl.com.
  5. A TDS certificate in Form 16B, indicating the deducted and deposited taxes, must be issued by the property buyer to the seller.
  6. Form 16B can be downloaded by registering on the Centralized Processing Cell (TDS) website at tdscpc.gov.in.

Steps to Pay TDS Through Challan 26QB and Obtain Form 16B

1. Log in to Income Tax e-Filing Portal

  • Access the Income Tax e-filing portal and log in to your account.

2. Navigate to e-Pay Tax Section

  • Select “e-File” and click on “e-Pay Tax” from the dropdown menu.

3. Initiate New Payment

  • Click on ‘+ New Payment’ to start the TDS payment process.

4. Proceed to 26QB – TDS on Property

  • Click on the proceed button under the ’26QB- TDS on Property’ tab.

5. Add Buyer’s Details

  • Your details will be auto-filled. Optionally, make changes if needed. Click ‘Continue’ after entering the details.

6. Add Seller’s Details

  • Input all the seller’s details, including PAN and address.

7. Add Property Details

  • Provide property specifics such as type, address, and sale details. The system will auto-calculate the tax amount.

8. Add Payment Details

  • Select the payment mode and complete the transaction. A challan will be generated upon successful payment.

9. Register on TRACES

  • If you’re a first-time user, register on TRACES as a taxpayer using your PAN and the Challan number.

10. Obtain Form 16B

  • Check your Form 26AS after seven days to confirm the TDS payment details.
  • Log in to TRACES, go to the Download tab, and click on “Form-16B (for the buyer).”
  • Fill in the seller’s PAN and acknowledgment number, then proceed.
  • Verify details, submit a request, and after a few hours, your Form 16B will be available for download.
  • Download the ‘.zip file,’ open it with the deductor’s date of birth as the password (DDMMYYYY), and print the Form 16B.

These steps ensure a smooth process for TDS payment and obtaining Form 16B for property transactions.


Understanding the intricacies of filing TDS on the sale of property under Section 194IA is paramount for both buyers and sellers in the real estate transaction process. The step-by-step guide provides a comprehensive overview of the necessary procedures, emphasizing the buyer’s responsibility to deduct 1% of the sale consideration and the subsequent deposit of the deducted tax to the Government Account within a specified timeframe. Furthermore, the article sheds light on the mandatory filing of Form 26QB, where furnishing PAN details of both the seller and purchaser is a crucial requirement. The availability of TDS certificate Form 16B, issued by the buyer to the seller, ensures transparency and compliance with tax regulations. The provided information serves as a valuable resource for navigating the TDS filing process seamlessly.

By delving into the nuances of TDS on property transactions, this article aims to demystify the complexities associated with Section 194IA of the Income Tax Act. The outlined steps, accompanied by visual aids, enhance clarity and accessibility for individuals involved in real estate transactions. Whether navigating the e-tax payment options, understanding the timeline for depositing the deducted tax, or registering on platforms like www.tin-nsdl.com and www.tdscpc.gov.in, the article ensures a comprehensive understanding of the process. In essence, this guide not only facilitates compliance with tax regulations but also empowers stakeholders in the real estate domain with the knowledge needed to navigate the intricacies of TDS filing on property transactions successfully.

What are GST Input Tax Credit Claims under New Section 38 of the CGST Act?

The Finance Bill 2022 added a new clause to the Central Goods and Services…

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The Finance Bill 2022 added a new clause to the Central Goods and Services Tax (CGST) Act, 2017, replacing Section 38. The new Section 38 was suggested to tighten input tax credit further (ITC) claims due to the degree of ITC fraud that occurs via bogus organizations and fraudulent invoices. The requirements of this section will also assist in preventing any legal disputes.

The amended Section 38 has not yet been enacted by parliament or communicated to taxpayers. However, it may become part of the GST law in the coming months.

Let’s decode the new Section 38 and see how it affects a company’s ITC claims. The GST course in Ahmedabad are gaining utmost popularity in the recent times.

How does the existing section 38 Govern ITC claims?

The current Section 38 of the CGST Act has captioned ‘Furnishing details about inbound supplies.’ It controlled the provision of details of outward supplies (i.e., sales) by a provider, followed by the recipient (buyer) receiving such inward supplies (i.e., purchases) and claiming ITC on the same.

The extant part was built on a two-way communication paradigm but was never used. The seller provides details of outward supplies under Section 37(1), such as the GSTR-1. The buyer is then obliged to accept/modify/delete these supplies in their inward supplies report (i.e., the GSTR-2), which is subsequently transmitted back to the provider within the specified time frame.

Finally, the clause states that the receiver taxpayer must balance their inner supply with their supplier’s external supplies. If an error or omission is discovered, it should be reported to the provider. Furthermore, any tax and interest on any short payment must be paid to the government by the due date.

Understanding the revised section 38

The Finance Bill 2022 proposes a revised Section 38 headed ‘Communication of information of inbound supplies and .’ It limits input tax credit claims in several ways and inhibits two-way contact between the supplier and the customer (although it was never followed).

The new section’s objective is expressed in two subsections:

The first subsection mandates that the information of outbound supplies given by a taxpayer’s suppliers be made accessible in an automatically generated statement, i.e., the GSTR-2B. (It should be emphasized that this mechanism is already in place; the change in legislation will now support the current CGST Rules.)

The GSTR-2B is prescribed in the second subsection. In other words, it informs taxpayers about the situations in which they may and cannot claim an input tax credit (eligible and ineligible ITC).

Some of the limits under this provision involving ITC ineligibility include circumstances where the supplier has just registered under the GST law, has failed non pay their taxes, or has unlawfully obtained additional ITC, to mention a few. In the next portion of our article, we shall decode each sentence in subsection (2) using an example.

Decoding the clauses of the revised section 38

The updated Section 38 subsection (2) is significantly more difficult for taxpayers to comprehend. So, let’s go over this part clause by clause.

  1. Subsection (2) clause (a) stipulates the inbound supplies and applicable ITC for the recipient (buyer) to claim in the GSTR-2B statement. In other words, ITC is eligible.
  2. Clause (b) is more complicated. It comprises the data of inbound supplies provided by the provider in the GSTR-2B, for which no ITC may be claimed. In other words, ITC is ineligible. This clause is divided into six sections.

(i) The first portion states that ITC cannot be claimed on supplies made by a provider during the required period* following registration under the GST law.

(ii) The second section states that ITC may not be claimed on supplies provided by a provider who has not paid their taxes and has defaulted for a specified time.

(iii) The third section states that ITC cannot be claimed on deliveries for which the provider has a tax obligation more significant than the tax paid during the specified period and within the defined limit.

(iv) The fourth section states that ITC may not be claimed on supplies given by a provider if the supplier claimed ITC over what was allowed under clause (a). This section also states that the excess is decided by the stipulated limit*.

(v) The fifth section states that ITC may not be claimed on supplies provided by a provider who has failed to pay their tax due by Section 49(12), subject to the criteria and limits prescribed*.

(vi) The sixth section states that ITC may not be claimed on supplies provided by a supplier if the provider is a member of such other class of individuals as prescribed*.

Impact of ITC claims once the revised section 38 gets notified.

Most taxpayers may be perplexed as to why they cannot collect input tax credits since their suppliers are newly registered or have defaulted. When GST was implemented, it guaranteed taxpayers a continuous supply of input tax credits. Let us explain why this part was created in brief.

Since the implementation of GST, input tax credit claims have been a source of tax evasion and fraud. Every year, the government loses hundreds, if not thousands, of crores to fraudulent taxpayers who claim an input tax credit based on forged invoices. These invoices are created by firms set up expressly for this purpose and subsequently shut down. As a result, the government is now proposing this updated Section 38 to eliminate all ITC-related fraud.

When this section is notified, three things will change for taxpayers.

  1. To guarantee that their ITC claims are always eligible and correct, their reconciliation procedures will need to become more frequent, dynamic, and preferably automated.
  2. Taxpayers must guarantee that they only do business with compliant providers. Again, the market’s automated GST solutions allow taxpayers to assess their supplier’s compliance BEFORE onboarding them. Higher ITC claims result from a complying supplier.
  3. Suppose a taxpayer does not match 100% of their input tax credits or, worse, if the supplier is non-compliant (i.e., the default in paying taxes or claiming excess ITC). The receiving taxpayer (buyer) is not permitted to claim the ITC that is legally owed to them. This will raise their GST cash burden and harm their working capital.

How many taxpayers make their ITC claims process more efficient
This new part has not yet been approved by parliament. If enacted as is, taxpayers must establish a rigorous framework of vendor verification and a reasonable ITC claim procedure.

With automation, this may be accomplished in only three steps:

  • Configure the ERP to collect all invoice and vendor information.
  • Before onboarding, verify vendor compliance.
  • BEFORE sending payments to suppliers, do a dynamic matching with the GSTR-2B. If suppliers fail to comply, the buyer has the option of withholding pay.

How to Send Email Vouchers through Tally ERP 9?

Tally ERP 9 is an accounting software widely used by many businesses because it…

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Tally ERP 9 is an accounting software widely used by many businesses because it includes numerous useful features for easy record maintenance and data analysis. Tally.ERP 9 provides transaction recording, inventory management, and statutory compliance features. Accounting Vouchers are essential for better record keeping and creating a foundation for data analysis.

What is a voucher in Tally?

In Tally, a voucher is a document containing all of the details of a financial transaction and is required to record in the books of accounts. They are simple to create and modify.

Types of Tally vouchers are available in the ‘Gateway of Tally’ under ‘Transactions’.
Tally has a few predefined vouchers that can be viewed by going to Gateway of Tally > Display > List of accounts > Ctrl V [Voucher types].

Voucher types in Tally

Accounting vouchers and inventory vouchers are the two types of vouchers in Tally.

Tally accounting vouchers are further classified as follows:

  • Sales Voucher
  • Purchase Voucher
  • Payment Voucher
  • Receipt Voucher
  • Contra Voucher
  • Journal Voucher
  • Credit Note Voucher
  • Debit Note Voucher

Tally inventory vouchers are further classified as follows:

  • Physical Stock Verification
  • Material In and Material Out Voucher
  • Delivery Note
  • Receipt Note

Tally Accounting Vouchers

1. Sales Voucher

The sales voucher is used in tally to record sales. In tally, it is one of the most commonly used accounting vouchers. Invoice mode and Voucher mode are the two accounting modes in sales vouchers.

2. Purchase Voucher

When you buy a product or service, you make a purchase entry. This is recorded in a tally using the purchase voucher. It is also one of the most commonly used tally vouchers.

3. Payment Voucher

Tally supports every aspect of a payment transaction. You can get all the necessary information, such as the instrument number, bank name, available balance, and so on.

4. Receipt Voucher

When you receive payment, you can enter it into the receipt voucher.

5. Contra Voucher

Contra Voucher is used when either side of the transaction involves cash, a bank, or multiple banks.

6. Journal Voucher

This voucher can be used for a variety of purposes. Some people use it for sales, purchases, and depreciation; any adjustment entry in Tally can also be done with this voucher.

7. Credit Note Voucher

When there is a sales return transaction, a Credit Note entry is made. By default, this voucher remains deactivated. By pressing F11 and configuring features in invoicing, you can activate it.

8. Debit Note Voucher

When a purchase return transaction occurs, a Debit Note entry is generated. By default, this voucher is disabled. You can use F11 to activate it and configure its features.

Tally Inventory Vouchers

1. Physical Stock Verification

This voucher is used to keep track of a company’s inventories. In general, businesses count physical stock verification regularly and keep a record of it using this voucher. This helps to keep inventory under control.

2. Material In and Material Out Voucher

This voucher is widely used in businesses that employ people. It aids in the tracking of inventory sent and received by a worker. For better record keeping, include information such as the item’s name, price, and quantity.

3. Delivery Note

This voucher is used to document the receipt of goods. It is also known as a Delivery Challan.

4. Receipt Note

This voucher is used to track the receipt of goods from vendors. It also has extra features that allow you to enter the vehicle number, dispatch document number, bill of lading, and other information.

E-Mail Configuration in Tally

Tally’s e-mailing capability is being set up. ERP 9 is a one-time installation. ERP 9 is simple and easy to use because the user can select some of the most commonly used e-mail service providers, and various details such as Server Address, Port Number, and Authentication details are pre-filled based on such selection.

Suppose you use an e-mail service provider other than those listed in Tally.ERP 9, you can select User-defined, enter the necessary information, and begin e-mailing reports immediately.

After successfully configuring e-mail in Tally.ERP 9, you can send ledgers, pay slips, definitive statements, confirmation of accounts, reminder letters, and other documents to various parties/customers without using an external e-mail application.

To configure E-Mail in Tally.ERP 9, follow these steps:

  • Navigate to Tally Gateway > F12: Configure > E-Mailing.
  1. Choose the required E-Mail Server from the list of available Common Mail Servers. When choosing a Common Mail Server, the server address and port number are pre-filled in the Server Address field.
  2. Enter the name of your SMTP server, followed by the port number, in the Server Address field (E.g., smtp.gmail.com:465 or smtp.yahoo.com:455). For more information, contact the service provider or network administrator.
  3. The option Use SSL is configured automatically based on the E-Mail Server selected. This option communicates over secure networks and sends emails through secure mail servers. E-mail service providers such as Gmail, Hotmail, and Yahoo Mail communicate via a secure network/server.
  4. The option Use SSL on Standard Port is automatically configured based on the E-Mail Server selected. Some providers communicate over a secure network using the default port (port 25).
  5. The From field displays the name of the company specified in the Company Creation screen by default.
  6. The From E-mail Address field displays the e-mail address entered when the company was created. If you haven’t already done so, or if you want to change your email address, enter it here. This will not be added to the company master or saved for future reference.
  7. If the mail server requires authentication, enter the user name and password in the respective Authentication User Name and Password fields. (For more information, please contact the System Administrator.)
  8. Choose the required attachment format from the Formats list. The attachment in the format chosen is emailed to the recipient.
  9. Set the option Show additional details for an e-mail address to Yes to display further information when e-mailing a report and select the e-mail address in the To E-Mail Address or CC To field.

Tally. ERP 9 is now set up to send emails. Click here to check out Tally Prime Course in Ahmedabad.

How Accrued Revenues Are Recorded As Liabilities?

When running a business, one of the most important things to keep track of…

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When running a business, one of the most important things to keep track of is how much money comes in and whether or not that’s enough to cover all the costs that come with running the business. Even though it’s easy to think of revenue as “automatic” when a good or service is sold or exchanged, it’s not always as easy to actualise it. Only when income comes as a cash payment right away does it count as income. Instead, a business is more likely to have accrued revenues. An accountant will usually record changes to accrued payments by making debit and credit journal entries at set times. This makes it simpler to keep track of accumulated income and maintains the balance sheet in good shape.

What Does Accrued Revenue Mean?

Accrued revenue is the money a business has earned from a sale that has already happened, but the customer hasn’t yet given them the money.

A company’s net payment terms with its clients or customers often lead to accrued revenue. In this case, if a company gives all of its clients net-30 payment terms, a client could decide to buy an item on April 1, but they wouldn’t have to pay for it until May 1. For example, if the item costs $100, the company would record $100 in earned revenue for April. Then, when May 1 comes around and the payment is made, the company would make an entry of $100 to account for the cost.

How are Changes to Accrued Revenue Recorded?

When accrued revenue is first recorded, the amount of accrued revenue is shown on the income statement as revenue. The exact amount is taken from an account for accrued revenue on the company’s balance sheet, which could be in the form of accounts receivable.

When the customer pays, the company’s accountant will change the amount of money that has already been earned. The accountant would make an altering journal entry in which the aggregate of cash received from the customer would be deducted from the cash account on the balance sheet and credited to the accrued revenue account or accounts receivable account, lowering that account.

This standard practice of maintenance the balance sheet in balance keeps track of the correct amount of revenue earned keeps track of the proper amount of cash received and doesn’t change the amount of payment shown on the income statement.

Accrued Revenue Examples

It’s excellent to understand how accrued revenue works on a theoretical level. But it won’t help you if you can’t put it into action. Here are some examples of using what you know about accrued revenue in real-world business situations.

Example 1

Let’s say that customer Y deals with company ABC to get 24 pieces of machinery in a year. Since this is a long-term project, company ABC can choose to count each piece of equipment or set of equipment as a milestone for which they will get paid when the project is done.

Whether company ABC bills for the service after each milestone or at the end of the year, it will still be counted as accrued revenue. But in the books of client Y, the same thing will be written down as expenses that have already been paid.

Example 2

You run a consulting business and charge $20 per hour for your services. In one project, a business client wants 100 hours of consultations done in four months. You have already helped people for 50 hours by the end of February. But you won’t send the $2,000 bill until the project is finished at the end of April.

For January, February, March, and April, you will record $500 as income that has already been earned. When you finally send the bill, you’ll turn it into an account receivable. When the payment comes in, you’ll turn it into cash.

How to Interpret?

On the balance sheet, earned revenue is shown as an asset, but it’s not always as valuable as cash. To turn it into cash, you have to bill the customer and get the money from them. The working capital cycle can be hurt by having a lot of past-due payments. It could mean a business isn’t doing a good job of getting customers to pay for its services.

This idea is needed to ensure that income and costs balance. If a business doesn’t have any accrued revenue, its initial revenue and profits may be too low. This doesn’t show what the company is really like. Also, suppose you don’t use these accrued revenues. In that case, your revenue and profit recognition may be lumpier since revenue is only recorded when invoices are sent, which is usually after a long time.

Presentation of Accrued Revenue

The debit balance in the account for past-due bills shows up on the balance sheet as a current asset. The change in the accrued revenue account each month is shown on the income statement at the top of the information in the revenue line item. It is rarely shown on the income statement apart from billed revenue.


When we think about accounting, we think about the cash-basis method, in which income is recorded when the amount is received, and expenses are recorded when bills are paid. This isn’t the only way to do accounting, and most businesses don’t use it. Instead, they use the accrual method of accounting, in which income is recorded when it is earned, regardless of when it is received, and expenses are recorded when they are made, irrespective of when they are paid. The accounting training in Ahmedabad is getting quite famous recently.

How to Adjust Entry in Accrued Revenue?

The first thing you need to know is that accrued revenue is shown as…

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The first thing you need to know is that accrued revenue is shown as the revenue on the income statement when accumulated revenue is first recorded. Accounting for accrued revenue may be done through accounts receivable, in which case a specific sum is deducted.

It is only after a consumer makes a payment that an accountant adjusts on behalf of the business. Accrued revenue or accounts receivable would be lowered due to an accounting entry in which the cash received from the client would be removed from the cash account on the balance sheet.

What Is Meant By Accrued Revenue?

When a business makes a sale, but the consumer hasn’t yet paid for it, the money they’ve already made is known as accrued revenue.

Earned revenue is frequently the result of an organization’s net payment arrangements with its clients or consumers. Customers can buy an item on April 1, but they won’t have to pay for it until May 1 if a company gives all of its customers net-30 payment terms. Suppose the item costs $100, and the corporation records $100 in revenue in April due to the sale. A $100 adjustment would then be made on May 1, when the payment is made, to account for the price.

The corporation that makes the purchase, on the other hand, records the transaction as an incurred expense in the liability area of the balance sheet.

How Are Adjustments Recorded for Accrued Revenue?

There is a distinction between accrued and actual revenue on the income statement. Accounting for accrued revenue may be done through accounts receivable, in which case a specific sum is deducted.

Customers pay, and the company’s accountant recalculates the amount of money the company has previously made. Cash received from customers would be taken from the company’s balance sheet and added to its accumulated revenue or accounts receivable, which would lower the latter’s balance.

No matter how much money is produced, how much cash is received or how much payment is recorded on a company’s income statement can be accurately tracked using this standard method.

When does Accrued Revenue Occur?

The term “accrued revenue” refers to the discrepancy between when products or services were paid for and delivered.

When situations like these happen:

  • Lending money to another corporation or person is known as a loan.
  • The “% of completion” method is used for long-term projects to record revenue.
  • In the event of a large order, Money is made dependent on the achievement of milestones.

There are Two Basic Ideas in Accrual Accounting

  1. In the period the revenue is realized and earned, it should be recorded as income. After the goods or service is delivered, revenue is earned.
  2. Generally, costs and revenues should be reported in the same accounting period. Spending is “matched” to revenue, which is a technical term.

Deferred vs Accrued Revenue

Deferred revenue occurs when a corporation receives an advance payment from a consumer before the product or service has been delivered. After the company gets the cash, deferred revenue is accounted for.

When it comes to Accrued Revenue, it’s recognized before any money is received.

Look at how Accrued Revenue and Deferred Revenue are different:

  • All accrued revenue is entered into the system at the same time. It’s a type of income earned over a more extended period.
  • Cash receipts are the result of revenue accrual. Receivables and payments are recognized after the monetary transaction, known as “deferred revenue.”
  • Deferred income is a liability because it is unearned revenue. Accounts Receivables are a form of asset accounting for accrued revenue.

Accrued Revenue for SaaS Accounting

SaaS typically generates income when the following occurs:

  • Upgrading or downgrading your system is an option
  • During the term of the subscription, any additional features are purchased
  • Set-up and migration fees are examples of one-time charges

A three-user “Yoohoo” plan costs $600 and is billed every three months to ABC’s marketing agency. Two more users are needed to access the software twenty days into the subscription period. Yoohoo was also asked to conduct a private training session for the agency.

The ABC agency is not instantly charged for the costs of adding two new users and conducting a training session. Instead, Yoohoo will see an increase in monthly revenue due to this transaction. This income will be converted into accounts receivable when the contract is renewed in the next quarter.

Is Accrued Revenue an Asset?

The term “Accrued Revenue” refers to a bill sent to a customer by a business for products or services received. Accrued Revenue” is considered an “Account Receivable” until it’s paid in full by the client. As a result, it is classified as a current asset on the balance sheet.

A considerable Accrued Revenue indicates that a business isn’t getting paid, which might be a concern for cash-flow reasons.

Why is Accrued Revenue Important?

For businesses that use accrual accounting, forecasting expenses and revenues in real-time is an essential benefit of recognizing revenue that has already been reaped. The company’s profitability may be tracked, and potential problems can be identified early on.

Since SaaS companies sell pre-paid subscriptions for services provided over time, the accrual foundation of accounting is the preferred method. The service has been rendered, and Money has been “earned” in SaaS. Revenue wouldn’t be recognized until invoices were sent out if SaaS didn’t use accumulated income. This would lead to a decrease in the number of cases in which payment is discovered. This would not demonstrate how the company is doing.

The amount of money a company has made is a good indicator of its long-term success. In addition, it aids in the understanding of how sales impact earnings and long-term expansion.


Accrued Revenue is a concept that is important to understand for most people in business. It is even more important for those doing accounting courses since this is one of the basic concepts or terms that you must know when you get into the field of accounting. The courses for the same are on an upward trend thus this field can be considered quite lucrative. Accountant Course in Ahmedabad is a must-try for this fieldset.

Accounting Learning: Accrual Accounting Concept

Accrual accounting is a type of commercial accounting that allows a company to monitor…

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Accrual accounting is a type of commercial accounting that allows a company to monitor revenue and expenses as they happen, rather than as money changes hands. It can provide an accurate picture of a company’s profitability and current assets if all parties involved in these business transactions pay on time. You can also go for computer accounting course Ahmedabad to understand these concepts in much more detail.

What exactly is accrual accounting?

Accrual accounting is a form of accounting that records and measures a company’s revenue and expenses as they occur, rather than as cash changes hands. The accrual accounting system is the polar opposite of cash accounting, which only records financial transactions after they have been paid. Accrual accounting is the generally accepted accounting principle (GAAP) that major corporations utilise since it provides a more realistic view of a company’s liquidity, current assets, and obligations.

In other words, regardless of when cash transactions occur, revenue is reported on the company’s accounting books. Accrual accounting is one of two accounting procedures; cash accounting is the other. Cash accounting only captures revenue when a cash transaction for goods and services occurs.

What is accrual accounting and how does it work?

Accrual accounting compares a company’s current and expected revenues to its current and expected expenses over the course of an accounting period. Accrual accounting includes income for services done or goods transferred even if the company has not yet received cash payment. It records expenses in the same manner. These items are normally reported on a balance sheet as accounts payable or receivable.

Accrual Accounting Eligibility

As per Companies Act, 2013, All the companies are required to follow accrual system of accounting. In India, except some professionals such as advocates and doctors all the business entities are following an accrual system of accounting. The firm or proprietorship firm has the option to choose a cash system of accounting if they do not fall under tax audit as per Income Tax Act,1961. Other than that all are required to follow an accrual system of accounting.

3 Benefits of Accrual Accounting

Here are some of the potential advantages of employing this accounting system.

  1. Provides a detailed breakdown of your company’s finances. Accrual accounting is the most commonly used accounting approach in large corporations because it provides a complete, long-term picture of a company’s financial status.
  2. It takes into account your most recent expenses. Accrual accounting provides an accurate, up-to-date picture of your company’s financial status by factoring the most recent revenue and costs into cash flow. Clients who come to a company for services but do not pay on time have no effect on the company’s financial statements.
  3. It aids businesses in their journey from small to large. Although small enterprises can pick which accounting system to use. If a small business intends to develop, employing accrual accounting from the start reduces the need to later adjust to the accrual approach.

3 Drawbacks of Accrual Accounting

Here are some of the potential drawbacks of accrual accounting, including the following.

  1. It can be difficult to keep track of. Accrual accounting is a more complex accounting procedure than cash accounting. Unpaid invoices and expenses can take more time and resources to track than simple cash accounting.
  2. It has the potential to exaggerate a company’s short-term financial position. The accrual method of accounting might create a slightly distorted picture of a company’s short-term financial status. If your firm has a big number of accounts receivable on its balance sheet that have yet to be paid, it may appear that it has more funds to meet expenses than it actually has in cash.
  3. It does not always precisely represent cash flow. In accrual accounting, a company’s revenue is dependent on prompt payment of invoices, which they cannot always control. If customers pay their bills late and the company does not have as much cash on hand as they expected, the company’s ability to pay its own debts may suffer.

What is the distinction between Accrual and Cash basis accounting?

There are two types of accounting: accrual accounting and cash accounting. In its bookkeeping, the cash accounting system solely analyses cash transactions and not pending financial transactions. This means that revenue is only recorded when money enters a business’s bank account.

Accounting on the accrual system takes into account all financial transactions, including pending transactions. The IRS permits small business owners to choose their preferred accounting technique, although bigger enterprises earning more than $25 million in a tax year must use accrual accounting to establish their financial health.

What are the different types of Accrual Accounts?

There are several kinds of accrual accounts. Accounts payable, accounts receivable, goodwill, accumulated interest earned, and accrued tax obligations are the most prevalent.

Accounts payable are debts incurred by a corporation when it gets goods or services from its vendors before paying for them. When a corporation incurs an expense using the accrual accounting technique, the debt is recorded on the balance sheet as an accounts payable obligation and on the income statement as an expense.

What is an Accrual Accounting example?

Assume an appliance store sells a refrigerator on credit to a consumer. Depending on the conditions of the company’s agreement with the consumer, it could be months or years before the store gets complete payment from the customer for the refrigerator. Using the accrual accounting approach, the retailer will record the accrued income from the sale as soon as the refrigerator leaves the store, rather than at a later date.

What effect does Accrual Accounting have on financial Statements?

The principal impact of accrual accounting is on the income statement, because the recordation of accrual basis transactions can significantly alter a company’s reported net profit or loss. Because accrual accounting can result in significant variances from cash-basis accounting results, you can look at the statement of cash flows to understand how cash flows have influenced the firm. We hope this post helped you grasp Accrual Accounting and its operations in depth.

Clarification with Respect to Section 194-O, 194-Q and 206C (1H)

1. If tax has been deducted by the e-commerce operator on a transaction under…

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1. If tax has been deducted by the e-commerce operator on a transaction under section 194-O of the Act [including transactions on which tax is not deducted on account of sub-section (2) of section 194O, that transaction shall not be subjected to tax deduction under section 194Q of the Act.

2. Though sub-section (IH) of section 206C of the Act provides exemption from TCS if the buyer has deducted tax at source on goods purchased by him, to remove difficulties it is clarified that this exemption would also cover a situation where instead of the buyer the e-commerce operator has deducted tax at source on that transaction of sale of goods by seller to buyer through e-commerce operator. (E COMMERCE OPERATOR HAS DEDUCTED THE TDS ON THE BEHALF OF SELLER)

3. If a transaction is both within the purview of section 194-O of the Act as well as section 194Q of the Act, tax is required to be deducted under section 194-O of the Act and not under section 194Q of the Act. (E COMMERCE OPERATOR HAS DEDUCTED THE TDS ON THE BEHALF OF BUYER)

4. If a transaction is both within the purview of section 194-O of the Act as well as sub-section (I H) of section 206C of the Act, tax is required to be deducted under section 194-O of the Act. The transaction shall come out of the purview of subsection (I H) of section 206C of the Act after tax has been deducted by the e-commerce operator on that transaction. Once the e-commerce operator has deducted the tax on a transaction, the seller is not required to collect the tax under sub-section (I H) of section 206C of the Act on the same transaction. It is clarified that here primary responsibility is on e-commerce operator to deduct the tax under section 194-O of the Act and that responsibility cannot be condoned if the seller has collected the tax under sub-section (I H) of section 206C of the Act. This is for the reason that the rate of TDS under section 194-O is higher than rate of TCS under sub-section (I H) of section 206C of the Act.

5. If a transaction is both within the purview of section 194-Q of the Act as well as sub-section (I H) of section 206C of the Act, the tax is required to be deducted under section 194-Q of the Act. The transaction shall come out of the purview of sub-section (1 H) of section 206C of the Act after tax has been deducted by the buyer on that transaction. Once the buyer has deducted the tax on a transaction, the seller is not required to collect the tax under sub-section (I H) of section 206C of the Act on the same transaction. However, if, for any reason, tax has been collected by the seller under sub-section (I H) of section 206C of the Act, before the buyer could deduct tax under section 194-Q of the Act on the same transaction, such transaction would not be subjected to tax deduction again by the buyer. This concession is provided to remove difficulty, since tax rate of deduction and collection are same in section 194Q and subsection (IH) of section 206C of the Act.