
How to file TDS on the Sale of Property – Section 194IA

How to file TDS on the Sale of Property - Section 194IA

Navigating the complex world of tax regulations in real estate transactions is critical for both buyers and sellers. Section 194IA of the Income Tax Act introduces the idea of Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) on the sale of immovable property, which adds another level of compliance to property transactions. This clause requires the buyer to deduct TDS at the time of property transfer, making it critical for anyone involved in real estate transactions to understand the complexities of TDS compliance. In this post, we will look at the fundamentals of filing TDS on the sale of a property under Section 194IA, providing thorough advice for purchasers and sellers.

Understanding the complexities of Section 194IA is critical for individuals who want to master the art of TDS return filing and ensure compliance with the tax rules that govern property transactions. This article not only explains the procedural aspects of TDS filing, but it also emphasizes the need of taking a TDS Return Filing Course. Such a training is beneficial for persons seeking in-depth understanding about the TDS filing procedure, guaranteeing easy compliance with regulatory standards, and cultivating financial prudence in real estate transactions. Join us on this trip as we delve into the complexities of TDS on property sales, laying the groundwork for anyone looking to improve their knowledge through a TDS Return Filing Course.

Requirements of Section 194IA – TDS on Sale of Property

When purchasing immovable property, such as a building, part of a building, or any land (excluding agricultural land) exceeding Rs 50 lakhs, the buyer must adhere to the provisions outlined in Section 194-IA of the Income Tax Act, effective from June 1, 2013.

  1. TDS Deduction Rate: The buyer is obligated to deduct Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) at a rate of 1% on the total sale amount. Notably, the responsibility lies with the buyer, not the seller.
  2. Threshold for TDS: TDS is mandatory only when the total sale price surpasses Rs 50 lakhs.
  3. Instalment Payments: If the payment is made in instalments, TDS must be deducted for each instalment.
  4. Consideration for Immovable Property: The ‘consideration for immovable property’ includes various charges like club membership fee, parking fee, electricity or water facility fee, maintenance fee, and other similar charges related to the property transfer. This applies to properties purchased on or after September 1, 2019, following the Budget 2019 amendment.
  5. TDS Calculation Example: TDS is calculated on the entire sale amount. For instance, if a house is bought for Rs 55 lakhs, TDS is applicable on the entire amount (Rs 55 lakhs) and not just the excess over Rs 50 lakhs.
  6. TAN Requirement: The buyer does not need a Tax Deduction Account Number (TAN) for TDS deposition; payment can be made using the PAN.
  7. PAN of Seller: To deposit TDS, the buyer must obtain the PAN of the seller; otherwise, TDS must be deducted at a rate of 20%.
  8. Time of TDS Deduction: TDS is deducted at the time of payment, including instalment payments.
  9. Form 26QB Submission: The TDS on immovable property must be paid using Form 26QB within 30 days from the end of the month in which TDS was deducted.
  10. TDS Certificate Issuance: After depositing TDS with the government, the buyer is required to furnish Form 16B (TDS certificate) to the seller within 10-15 days.

Understanding these requirements ensures compliance with TDS regulations and facilitates a smooth property transaction process.

Mandatory Submission of Form 26QB for TDS on Immovable Property Transfer

In accordance with the Finance Act of 2013, TDS is obligatory for the transfer of immovable property when the consideration equals or exceeds Rs 50 Lakhs.

Section 194 IA of the Income Tax Act, 1961, coupled with Rules 30, 31, and 31A, stipulates the following:

  1. Commencing from June 1, 2013, purchasers must deduct 1% tax at the time of payment for the sale consideration.
  2. The deducted tax must be deposited into the Government Account through e-tax payment options like Netbanking or authorized bank branches.
  3. The sum deducted under section 194-IA must be paid to the Central Government’s credit within seven days from the end of the deduction month.
  4. Both the seller’s and purchaser’s PANs must be compulsorily provided in an online form (Form 26QB) to furnish details about the property transaction. The facility is available on tin-nsdl.com.
  5. A TDS certificate in Form 16B, indicating the deducted and deposited taxes, must be issued by the property buyer to the seller.
  6. Form 16B can be downloaded by registering on the Centralized Processing Cell (TDS) website at tdscpc.gov.in.

Steps to Pay TDS Through Challan 26QB and Obtain Form 16B

1. Log in to Income Tax e-Filing Portal

  • Access the Income Tax e-filing portal and log in to your account.

2. Navigate to e-Pay Tax Section

  • Select “e-File” and click on “e-Pay Tax” from the dropdown menu.

3. Initiate New Payment

  • Click on ‘+ New Payment’ to start the TDS payment process.

4. Proceed to 26QB – TDS on Property

  • Click on the proceed button under the ’26QB- TDS on Property’ tab.

5. Add Buyer’s Details

  • Your details will be auto-filled. Optionally, make changes if needed. Click ‘Continue’ after entering the details.

6. Add Seller’s Details

  • Input all the seller’s details, including PAN and address.

7. Add Property Details

  • Provide property specifics such as type, address, and sale details. The system will auto-calculate the tax amount.

8. Add Payment Details

  • Select the payment mode and complete the transaction. A challan will be generated upon successful payment.

9. Register on TRACES

  • If you’re a first-time user, register on TRACES as a taxpayer using your PAN and the Challan number.

10. Obtain Form 16B

  • Check your Form 26AS after seven days to confirm the TDS payment details.
  • Log in to TRACES, go to the Download tab, and click on “Form-16B (for the buyer).”
  • Fill in the seller’s PAN and acknowledgment number, then proceed.
  • Verify details, submit a request, and after a few hours, your Form 16B will be available for download.
  • Download the ‘.zip file,’ open it with the deductor’s date of birth as the password (DDMMYYYY), and print the Form 16B.

These steps ensure a smooth process for TDS payment and obtaining Form 16B for property transactions.


Understanding the intricacies of filing TDS on the sale of property under Section 194IA is paramount for both buyers and sellers in the real estate transaction process. The step-by-step guide provides a comprehensive overview of the necessary procedures, emphasizing the buyer’s responsibility to deduct 1% of the sale consideration and the subsequent deposit of the deducted tax to the Government Account within a specified timeframe. Furthermore, the article sheds light on the mandatory filing of Form 26QB, where furnishing PAN details of both the seller and purchaser is a crucial requirement. The availability of TDS certificate Form 16B, issued by the buyer to the seller, ensures transparency and compliance with tax regulations. The provided information serves as a valuable resource for navigating the TDS filing process seamlessly.

By delving into the nuances of TDS on property transactions, this article aims to demystify the complexities associated with Section 194IA of the Income Tax Act. The outlined steps, accompanied by visual aids, enhance clarity and accessibility for individuals involved in real estate transactions. Whether navigating the e-tax payment options, understanding the timeline for depositing the deducted tax, or registering on platforms like www.tin-nsdl.com and www.tdscpc.gov.in, the article ensures a comprehensive understanding of the process. In essence, this guide not only facilitates compliance with tax regulations but also empowers stakeholders in the real estate domain with the knowledge needed to navigate the intricacies of TDS filing on property transactions successfully.