
What Are Best Ways To Improve Your Quality Management With Internal Audits

If a company wants to be successful, quality management has to be a required…

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If a company wants to be successful, quality management has to be a required feature. It ensures that their products and services will beat and even surpass customers’ expectations.

High quality remains the key for business success in the rapidly changing industry and meeting the ever advancing customers’ tastes. Internal audits are indispensable because they serve as a systematic tool to audit and enhance quality management systems. The article provides a practical guide on how to conduct quality audits and the role of internal audits in improving quality management.

Internal audits: a comprehensive guide

The internal audit is designed to assess the policies, procedures and systems of a company from a point of view which is systematic and objective. People from inside of the company such as quality assurance teams or appointed auditors do internal audits internally, and not external audits, which are done by external parties.

The main purposes of an internal audit are detecting non-compliance, checking standards and regulations, as well as suggesting alterations to improve the effectiveness of an organization.

Importance of internal audits in quality management:

1. Identifying non-conformities:

An important advantage of carrying out the internal audits is that they afford you the chance to discover the non-conformities, which are the deviations from the quality standards and processes.

Organizations can quickly identify and remedy areas of non-compliance by performing audits within various departments and processes frequently. Through this preventative measure, we may nip problems in the bud and ensure the credibility and image of our company.

2. Ensuring compliance:

Being compliant with all the rules and regulations of your sector is mandatory for keeping quality as high as possible while being on top of legal aspects.

Quality management systems (QMS), industry-specific certifications (for example, ISO 9001), and regulatory frameworks can be assessed by means of an internal audit. Organizations can understand their commitment to quality excellence and the risk related to non- compliance by conducting audits to confirm compliance.

3. Driving continuous improvement:

A key pillar of quality management, the ongoing improvement strives to improve the efficiency of the processes, resources, and innovation. Through the examination of current processes and indicators that measure performance, internal audits can identify those areas that have room for improvement.

Organizations can not only have continuous improvement programs across the board but also look for corrective and preventive actions that can be based on the findings and recommendations from the audits.

4. Enhancing risk management:

Efficient quality management incorporates good risk management too, as this tool helps businesses anticipate, reduce and react to product quality and customer satisfaction threats.

The main task of an internal audit is to break the security of the organization by checking its risk controls and vulnerabilities. Businesses can shore up their resilience and minimize the chance of quality-related events or product failures by anticipating risk factors and addressing them promptly.

Implementing effective internal audit practices:

1. Establish clear objectives:

Define the scope, objectives, and criteria for internal quality audits based on the organizational quality targets, regulatory requirements, and stakeholder expectations. Determining the direction of audit actions and ensuring they complement the strategic objectives is facilitated by setting clear auditing objectives.

2. Plan and schedule audits:

Develop an all-encompassing audit plan specifying when, what, and how much internal auditing should be conducted. To ensure that all processes and areas in the business are audited thoroughly, schedule them in regular intervals.

3. Select competent auditors:

Outsource the internal audits to experts or certified auditors who have a good balance of experience, education, and independence so as to get impartial results. Provide training and resources for auditors to improve their skills and efficiency.

4. Conduct thorough audits:

Carry out internal audits in a systematic manner following the set audit standards and procedures. Review adherence to quality standards and locate areas for improvement by gathering necessary evidence, conducting interviews and studying the documentation.

5. Communicate findings and recommendations:

Include your audit’s results, notes, and recommendations in a simple to comprehend and implement form. For timely action and taking responsibility, it is essential to report the audit findings to the responsible persons including employees, process owners and management.

6. Implement corrective actions:

Develop partnership with relevant stakeholders to pinpoint areas of non-compliance and enhancement, and then apply corrective actions. Keep in mind how far along the road to quality you already are and how well the remedial measures work.

7. Review and continuously improve:

Periodically, conduct the internal audit results and techniques review to examine how successful they worked out and where they could be enhanced. To develop effective audit processes and achieve continuous improvement, the stakeholders must be consulted and the lessons learned must be applied.


The ability to develop strong quality management systems and superb organizational excellence is definitely enhanced through internal audits. Internal audits help companies in reaching and sustaining high performance standards by conducting regular assessments of processes, detecting deviations, and contributing to the process of constant improvement.

Organizations can contribute a quality and innovation culture through internal audits if these audits are carried out effectively. This will minimize risks, enhance compliance, and maximize operational efficiency.

In a complex and rapidly changing business environment, organisations can increase their competitiveness, improve the confidence of the customers and power long-term success by focusing on internal audit. Whereas one should do a commerce course in Ahmedabad to gain all the knowledge about Internal Audits. It will open various job opportunities as well for them.

Commerce courses in Ahmedabad can boost student’s competitiveness, recruit students, and promote academic integrity and creativity by adopting internal audits. Internal audits enable continual development and quality assurance as educational institutions adjust to changing education dynamics, improving student learning and promoting commerce education excellence.

How To Fix QuickBooks Administrator Permissions Needed Issue?

The “QuickBooks Administrator Permissions Needed” mistake can significantly impede efficient accounting processes by blocking…

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The “QuickBooks Administrator Permissions Needed” mistake can significantly impede efficient accounting processes by blocking access to essential functions within the software. This message emerges when users lack the necessary permission to perform specific actions, disrupting financial management tasks.

However, worry not, as this thorough guide is tailored to equip you with the essential information and actionable steps to beat this hurdle successfully. The QuickBooks course in Ahmedabad can help you in advance scenarios and persistent issues. By following these steps, you’ll regain full control of QuickBooks, ensuring smooth financial management operations.

What is the QuickBooks Administrator Permissions Needed Issue?

The QuickBooks Administrator Permissions Needed trouble comes when users experience limits while trying to perform certain tasks within the QuickBooks software due to poor permission. This error typically appears as a prompt or message showing that administrative rights are needed to continue with the desired job. It often impedes efficient accounting processes by limiting access to important functions, slowing financial management tasks. Common actions affected by this error include getting specific features, changing settings, or performing important activities within QuickBooks.

Overall, the QuickBooks Administrator Permissions Needed problem presents a significant challenge for users seeking uninterrupted access to QuickBooks functions. Addressing this problem quickly with suitable troubleshooting steps is important to recover seamless financial management operations within the software.

Understanding the Cause

This error usually appears due to insufficient user rights or issues with the QuickBooks services running on your machine. Here are some usual culprits:

  1. Limited User Account: If you’re not logged in as a supervisor on your computer, you might face this error. Administrator accounts have greater access and power over system resources.
  2. QuickBooks Services Not Running: Essential services like the QuickBooks Database Manager Service might be stopped or faulty, blocking QuickBooks from getting necessary data.
  3. Damaged Installation: In rare cases, damaged QuickBooks installation files could lead to permission-related problems.
  4. Network Environment: If you’re using QuickBooks on a network, extra permission configurations might be needed, especially for multi-user access.

Resolving the Error

Now that we’ve found the possible causes, let’s explore the solutions:

1. Run QuickBooks as Administrator:

This is the easiest and often the most effective approach. Here’s how:

  • Close all running QuickBooks processes.
  • Right-click on the QuickBooks icon (desktop link or Start menu item).
  • Select “Run as administrator.”
  • Enter your administrator details if asked.

2. Restart the QuickBooks Database Manager Service:

  • Press the Windows key + R to open the Run window box.
  • Type “services.msc” and press Enter.
  • Locate “QBPOS Database Manager vXX” (XX denotes your QuickBooks version).
  • Right-click the service and pick “Properties.”
  • Ensure the “Startup type” is set to “Automatic.”
  • Click “Start” to start the service.
  • Repeat steps 3-6 for “Intuit Entitlement Service v8” if it exists.

3. Adjust User Account Control (UAC) Settings:

UAC might issue with QuickBooks rights. Here’s how to change it (with caution):

  • Search for “User Account Control” in the Windows search bar.
  • Move the slider to a less limited level (e.g., “Notify me only when programs try to make changes to my computer (Default)” or even “Turn off User Account Control (UAC)”).
  • Restart your computer.

Important Note: Disabling UAC totally weakens your system’s protection. We suggest using the least restrictive setting that resolves the problem.

4. Repair the QuickBooks Installation:

If the above ways fail, consider fixing your QuickBooks installation:

  • Open the Control Panel.
  • Navigate to “Programs and Features” (or “Uninstall a program”).
  • Locate “QuickBooks” and right-click it.
  • Select “Change” or “Uninstall/Change” (based on your Windows version).
  • Choose “Repair” and follow the on-screen directions.

5. Create a New Administrator Account (Last Resort):

If none of the previous ways work, making a new administrator account might be necessary. However, this step should be taken with care and only if other choices are exhausted. Consult your system administrator or a trained professional for help with this process.

6. Address Network Permissions (Network Environment):

Suppose you’re using QuickBooks on a network. In that case, you might need to work with your network administrator to ensure proper user permissions for viewing the company file and related services. This might involve giving specific rights to user accounts or groups on the network server.

7. Seek Professional Help:

If you’ve exhausted all the self-help choices and the error continues, consider getting assistance from a skilled technician or accountant familiar with QuickBooks and network configurations. They can diagnose the problem more accurately and provide tailored answers based on your particular circumstances.


By following these thorough steps and understanding the possible causes, you should be well-equipped to handle the “QuickBooks Administrator Permissions Needed” problem and restore smooth operation of your accounting software. Remember, avoiding this mistake is equally important. Always ensure you’re using a master account, keep QuickBooks updated, and back up your data regularly.

For more advanced scenarios or persistent issues, seeking professional help from a qualified technician or enrolling in a specialized QuickBooks Course in Ahmedabad like the one offered by S20 https://www.sulekha.com/quickbook-training/ahmedabad can empower you with the knowledge and skills to navigate QuickBooks efficiently and confidently. By combining preventative measures and effective troubleshooting methods, you can ensure seamless financial management through QuickBooks.

TallyPrime On A Cloud Service

Millions of businesses use Tally or TallyPrime to handle their accounting requirements, making it…

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Millions of businesses use Tally or TallyPrime to handle their accounting requirements, making it one of the most effective accounting programmes available. But, business dynamics and customer needs are constantly shifting as organisations expand and change. The requirement to access business applications and data from any location has grown as a result of the development of current technologies and the emergence of new ones.

The majority of organisations today seek to take advantage of mobile data and application access provided by cloud computing and accountancy. The demand has increased as a result of the current circumstances.

Tally revised their licencing policy, which will enable Tally licence and data usage via virtual / cloud platforms, effective June 2020, as part of their ongoing commitment to providing their customers with changes that make their life easier.

Small and medium-sized organisations can access TallyPrime and data from anywhere thanks to a collaborative solution powered by Amazon Web Services (AWS). This seeks to make it easier for clients whose lifestyles will soon require remote access to TallyPrime.

So let’s take a deeper dive into TallyPrime on AWS.

TallyPrime on Cloud Server, powered by AWS

It is a group collaboration tool backed by Amazon Web Services (AWS), giving companies a strong choice to use TallyPrime from anywhere. To put it simply, you may use this solution to remotely access TallyPrime that is installed in a virtual computer.

To clarify, customers can now access TallyPrime from anywhere via a client programme that is installed on a distant computer, let’s say one that is located in the cloud.

As shown in the above diagram, it is now feasible to put TallyPrime and the data on Amazon cloud space and access it remotely by utilising the login credentials thanks to the cooperative connected solution.

How Can I Purchase TallyPrime on AWS’s Cloud?

The importance of remote access, operations, usage, and company strategy all play a crucial role in selecting the best remote access plan because every firm has different needs. As a result, the authorised Tally Partner will customise, distribute, implement, and support the entire system.

Your single point of contact for purchasing the solution will be one of the Tally partners, who have years of experience implementing these solutions and bring with them a wealth of technical knowledge.

You can simply speak with your Tally partner and let them know what you need. The partner will assess your needs, recommend and implement the appropriate solution, and provide you with the required assistance. In addition to managing every aspect of the solution, your partner will make sure you won’t need to contact anybody else for any issues linked to it.

How can TallyPrime be used with Amazon Web Services (AWS)?

Your Tally Partner will lead the remote access solution to your firm once they have collected your requirements. You don’t need to be concerned about the solution’s technical implementation. Your partner will lead the conversation with the cloud service provider and make sure the entire solution is implemented. From recommending the best cloud plans to setting up TallyPrime on the cloud system to customising Tally data on the cloud system, the Tally partner will take the lead.

Following the implementation of the solution, the application and login information for remote access to TallyPrime will be made available. The user must log in from a remote computer if they want to access TallyPrime remotely. This is the only thing users need to do.

You won’t need to look elsewhere because your Tally Partner will always be there for you, not just during implementation but also for post-sales support.

While the collaborative solution powered by AWS offers a more practical method of accessing the company data, it is important to remember that this solution is suggested for companies who want to have access to their Tally licence and data from any location. If your current method of using the product (on-premises) suits you better, you can keep using the licence as is.

How does the connected solution powered by AWS work?

There are two parts to any remote environment: a server and a client. The primary machine hosting the programme and data in this case is the server. Your server in this case is an Amazon cloud platform where TallyPrime is installed and data is set up.

The machine from which you want to access the programme or data that is stored on the server is known as a client. The client might be referred to as a remote computer. You can remotely log in to access TallyPrime, which is housed on a cloud server, using this remote computer.

Benefits of TallyPrime on Cloud, Powered by AWS

  • This safe method lets you access TallyPrime from anywhere, whether you’re travelling or meeting clients.
  • You will be able to collaborate with other people while working on the same data with flexibility.
  • You can easily transfer your current data to a virtual cloud environment and keep using the same software.
  • Remote access to TallyPrime is a very affordable option, and you have the freedom to select the plans that are appropriate for your company.
  • The industry leaders in their respective fields of technology can be found in Tally and AWS (business software and cloud platforms). As a result, it is quite trustworthy.

We know that TallyPrime can get confusing at times. But it is quite interesting. If you want to learn more about it, you can head over to our s20 website and look into a commerce course in Ahmedabad.

Learn Commerce structures IV: Public Limited Company

An organization that functions as a single entity formed and owned by shareholders is…

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An organization that functions as a single entity formed and owned by shareholders is called a Public Limited Company. It constitutes a company that can freely sell its shares in a public domain and all its decisions are governed by strict rules and regulations.

In the Indian Republic, a Public Limited Company is the largest method of doing business available under the law. Often a group of people who have a great business idea, register for a Public Limited Company and generate capital by offering shares that can be bought by the public. In the present economic scenario, Public Limited Company is very profitable and thus gaining further education in Public Limited Companies after BCom course in Ahmedabad, proves beneficial.

What is a Public Limited Company?

A Public Limited Company in layman’s terms is a company formed and by the people and makes profits for the people. Thus, a company that is registered as a Public Limited Company cannot and will not have a specific owner. This makes sure that a one-head monopoly is avoided in the company.

Let us take an example of a famous Public Limited Company in India, The State Bank of India. Founded in 1955, as an amalgamation of the three princely state banks in British rule, The State Bank of India is one of the most prominent examples of a Public Limited Company. All the shares of the State Bank of India are listed on the National Stock Exchange and the Bombay Stock Exchange for sale to the public.

There is no owner of the State Bank of India and all the profit generated is paid to employees and shareholders as dividends. The presence of the State Bank of India makes sure that the banking sector is free of monopoly by a mogul or one single private bank.

Who is the owner of a public limited company?

The most distinctive aspect of a Public Limited Company is its ownership. In a private company, the owner is either a parent organization or a group of people who founded the company.

Unlike private companies, a Public Limited Company is purely founded and owned by the public. Thus, a Public Limited Company will not have an owner but rather it will have shareholders. The management of a Public Limited Company is looked after by a Board of Directors (we shall discuss this in the features of a Public Limited Company).

What are the features of a public limited company?

Let us try to analyze the features of a Public Limited Company to gain better knowledge;

Legal Existence: A company that is registered as a Public Limited Company shall have separate legal existence from the members who own the company. This means that if a group of people come together and create a Public Limited Company then once the company is formed, it gains a separate identity. All legal documents like GST invoice, court notices shall be issued in the name of the company and not the owners or the management.

Capital: A Public Limited Company has to collect capital for its expenses and procuring its raw materials. Most Public Limited Companies collect capital by selling shares to buyers in the public domain. When you buy a share in a Public Limited Company, you own a certain percentage of the company. The capital generated by selling public shares is called the share capital.

Shareholders: A Public Limited Company is owned by shareholders. This means that no person can claim the company as their own private company. But shareholders cannot take part in the management decisions of the company. Their sole role is to elect the managerial committee often the Board of Directors that looks after the major business decisions of the company.

When a company is indebted and is liquidated, the shareholders do not have to pay the creditors of the company. Rather they have to pay only the face value of their shares. For example, say you hold a thousand shares in a company each worth ten rupees. If the company goes bankrupt, you will have to only pay the face value of the shares that is; ten thousand rupees.

Board of Directors: Almost all companies today, public or private, establish a board of directors to look after major business decisions of the company. The difference here is, the board of directors in a Public Limited Company are selected by the shareholders and they represent these shareholders during meetings with other companies. The decisions taken by the Board of Directors use a majority rule and this ensures unity in the management.

What are the merits of a public limited company?

Public Limited Companies are often the largest companies in a business. Let us analyze a few of the merits of a Public Limited Company;

Leadership: As stated earlier, Public Limited Companies have a board of directors. This ensures that the company is led by a consensus rather than the whims of a single leader. The main advantage of having a board of directors is that these directors are selected from the shareholders and by the shareholders.

Large Capital: One of the largest advantages of a Public Limited Company is that they can generate huge capital investments. By selling their shares in the public, Public Limited Companies generate a huge capital for their expenses. Once the Initial Public Offering (IPO) is over and the share capital has been generated, Public Limited companies can release bonds and debentures through the stock market to generate additional capital. Thus, Public Limited Companies that have a strong performance can generate greater capital over time.

Financials: Public Limited Companies are strictly governed by rules and regulations. Thus, they are required to publish their financial records every year. Unlike private companies, Public Limited Companies have to make sure that their investors know the financial happenings and position of the company. This adds an element of safety to Public Limited Companies and helps them in attracting potential investors.

Limited Liability: Shareholders in a Public Limited Company are protected from incurring the company’s losses. What this means is that shareholders have to pay only the face value of the shares they hold in a company if it goes bankrupt. This facet also makes sure that Public Limited Companies are separate entities on their own and can also be sued on their own without the involvement of the shareholders.

What are the demerits of a public limited company?

Though there are many advantages to a Public Limited Company, there are few disadvantages too that we need to discuss;

Public Books: On the one hand publishing financial records every year, helps Public Limited Company attract investors but at the same, this also means that their competition knows everything about them. Since the company has gone public, the competition can easily analyze their finance books and see the loss and profit that the company is experiencing. This aspect poses great difficulty to Public Limited Companies.

Greedy Shareholders: Often the public has no interest in the working of the company. Investors today want to make an easy buck and this means that they do not pay any attention to the detailed plans a company lays down to expand. Greedy Shareholders take no part in developing these plans and often prove detrimental to the company’s plan.

Takeover: Unlike private companies, Public Limited Companies are prone to takeovers since the board of directors is selected by shareholders. A hostile party may buy a huge number of stocks in the company and gain a significant voice in the board of directors. This means that a hostile party can gain ruling command in a company and derail the existing chain of command.

Is there any specific member requirement in a Public limited company?

A company that wants to register itself as a Public Limited Company has to have a minimum of seven members. The maximum limit for the number of members in a Public Limited Company does not exist, unlike Private companies that can have a maximum of two hundred members only.

This gives an advantage to the Public Limited Companies as they can have a huge number of members. Specific employee requirements can further dwell in deeper after commerce courses in Ahmedabad.

What are the requirements for Public Limited Company registration?

In today’s time, the Government of India has made registering Public Limited Companies easier as compared to earlier times. According to the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, there are three mandatory requirements that a company has to fulfill to register itself as a Public Limited Company;

  • The company must have a minimum of seven share holders.
  • The company must have a minimum of seven share holders 
  • The company must introduce minimum share capital of Rs 5 Lacs
  • All sections of the company should have a direct impact on its compliances.

What are the documents required for registration?

There are two sets of documents required for registration, one set for the directors and shareholders and the other set for registering the company office;

Directors/ Shareholders

  • Copy of PAN Card
  • Aadhar Card
  • Address Proof (Bank Statement, Mobile bill, Telephone bill)
  • Authorization Form

Registered Office

  • Ownership Proof (Electricity Bill, sale deed, copy of index II, Tax Bill, etc)
  • Utility Bill (Gas Bill, Electricity Bill)
  • NOC

What is the process of registering a Public Limited Company?

The process involved in registering a Public Limited Company is;

  • Identify Seven Shareholders and Three directors (Minimum numbers you may have more)
  • Obtain a Director Identification Number (DIN): Every director of the company must have a DIN allotted to them by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs.
  • Obtain a Digital Signature Certificate for Promoter and Directors: This legally allows the promoters to promote the company and recognizes the directors of the company. It also allows the authorities to authenticate the documents being filed.
  • Identify location and capital of the company
  • Company name application: The company should apply to the Registrar of Companies, to reserve a unique name for themselves.
  • Preparation and submission of the Registration documents to the ROC: Registration documents like Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association have to be prepared and submitted to the ROC.
  • Issuing of the Certificate of Incorporation and allocation of the Corporate Identification Number by the ROC
  • Filing commencement of Business: The company cannot start its business until the directors have filed a declaration stating that all shareholders have paid the share money within 180 days of incorporation.


Public Limited Companies allows making sure that major sectors like banking, finance stay free of the monopoly of huge private industries. Thus, learning about Public Limited Companies after BCom courses in Ahmedabad proves very beneficial in the longer run. It can help create and build Public Limited Companies that can go on to become leaders in their respective businesses.

Part – iii – Learn Commerce Structures III: Private Limited Company
Part – ii – Learn Commerce Structures II: Proprietorship Firm
Part – i – Learn Commerce Structures: All About Partnership Firms