
Input Tax Credit Utilization of GST – Part-III

Input Tax Credit Utilization of GST – Part-III We have discussed in last article…

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Input Tax Credit Utilization of GST – Part-III

We have discussed in last article that how GST is calculated on purchase or sale of goods. In today’s blog we will discuss tax treatment of GST and its set-off or utilization.

If purchase and sale of goods or rendering of services done within a state, there will be CGST and SGST applicable on goods or services.

Suppose, M/s. ABC Ltd. (Gujarat State) purchases goods from M/s. XYZ Ltd. (Gujarat State) worth Rs. 10,000/- and rate of GST is 18%. Then M/s. ABC Ltd. will take a credit of SGST @ 9% i.e. Rs. 900/- and CGST @ 9% i.e. Rs.900/-.

Now, if M/s. ABC Ltd. sells these goods to M/s. PQR Ltd. (Gujarat State) worth Rs. 6,000/-, they have to collect GST @ 18% from M/s. PQR Ltd. So Tax Liability of SGST is @9% i.e. Rs. 540/- and CGST is @ 9% i.e. 540/-.

At the time of payment of tax, SGST can be set off against SGST liability and CGST can be set off against CGST liability. Hence, in our case, M/s. ABC Ltd. can avail tax credit of Rs. 1,800/- GST paid at the time of purchase of Goods against tax liability of Rs. 1,080/-.

Now, if M/s. ABC Ltd. sells some goods to M/s. STU Ltd. (Maharastra) worth Rs. 6,000/-, they have to collect IGST @ 18% from M/s. STU Ltd. So tax liability of IGST is Rs. 1,080/-.

At the time of payment of tax, remaining tax credit of SGST and CGST (i.e. Rs. 720/-) can be availed against the tax payment of IGST of Rs. 1,080/- in our case and balance Rs. 360/- will be paid to the exchequer.

Numeric summary of the above case is presented in the table below. Tax liability is shown in brackets.


ParticularsPurchase/Sale PriceCGST @ 9%SGST @ 9%IGST @ 18%
Purchase of Goods (Gujarat)




Sale of Goods (Gujarat)




Sale of Goods (Maharastra)




The Input CGST and SGST can be utilized for tax payment of sale of goods within state as well as outside state as mentioned hereunder. Input credit utilization figures are shown in brackets.

ParticularsCGST @ 9%SGST @ 9%IGST @ 18%

Tax Liability on sale within Gujarat



Tax Credit on purchase within Gujarat



Tax Liability on sale in Maharashtra


Tax Credit on purchase within Gujarat of CGST


Tax Credit on purchase within Gujarat of SGST


Balance paid online



In nutshell, the tax credit can be utilized as described in the table below:


















We will discuss some interesting instances of implication of GST in my further articles. Your queries / feedback may please be emailed to me at s20.training@gmail.com .


  • By CA Jigar Patel


Bank Loans

I have got a call from a lady “Sir I am calling from ****…

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I have got a call from a lady “Sir I am calling from **** bank, we are providing personal loan…” and I disconnected the call.

Frankly speaking, today’s marketing gimmick of agents have made various loans very popular. Still I think there is good scope to discuss about various credit facilities provided by banks.

We can bifurcate loans into simply two parts (a) Secured Loans (b) Unsecured Loans. Today let us only focus on loans / credit facilities available for businesses. Loans provided to retail customers will be discussed later.

  1. Term Loan:

These loans are specifically provided to buy fixed assets for businesses like plants, properties, equipments, machinery, furniture, fixtures etc. this loans are secured loans against assets being created through such loan. Generally as per current market practice and depending upon financial strength of the borrower, in India margin of 25-40% is called from entrepreneurs and rest is funded by banks.

  1. Working Capital Limits:

These are basically limits sanctioned by banks to businesses. Businesses are charged interest, when they use the limit to the extent of use of credit. These limits are secured against current assets of the business. Many times, these limits are referred as Cash Credit or Over Draft, but they are not the same. Sanction of such limits depends upon working capital cycle, current asset position, liquidity of the business and of course financial strength of the business. Banks have their own criteria, how much to sanction to a particular business.

  1. Project Loan:

These are basically loans provided to a particular project of an entrepreneur. Depending upon the nature of the project, green field, brown field, white field etc. as well as industry, sector, financial strength of the promoters, past experience of the promoters and such other risks involved in the project, banks appraise the project and decide the margin requirements, payment tenure as well as rate of interest. These loans are many times mixure of term loans + working capital limits + letters of credit + bills discounting etc.

  1. Letter of Credit:

Mainly used by businesses involved in export / import businesses. LC is issued by banker of the customer for release to the banker of the supplier once certain pre-agreed conditions are met by the supplier. Banker of the supplier in effect credits the sum to the account of the supplier. Banks do charge commission and interest depending upon the situation on providing such facilities. We will talk more about LCs in some other article, as it requires some more focus.

  1. Bill discounting:

Bills / promissory notes of customers / bankers of the customers are accepted by banks and the same are paid before due date to the businessmen. This credit facility involves discounted payment release and the same may be as an interest.

  1. Infrastructure Finance:

In India, our infrastructure requirements are massive. Banks have a big role to play in this sector. These loans are generally long tenured loans. All these loans are secured loans. Many times, sponsors / govt. / public authorities stand guarantee to these loans. Infrastructure finance itself is a large topic of study research and discussion, which may require detailed focus in separate article.

  1. Foreign Currency Loans:

Many businesses, subject to RBI guidelines are eligible to obtain foreign currency loans from banks. Banks lend the customer in foreign currency. Many of these loans are used specifically by exporters and can prove to be cheaper than rupee loans, since many developed nations have lower interest rate regime.

  1. Other credit facilities:

Many other credit facilities are provided by banks to businesses like overdraft, FDOD, drop line credit, packing credit, bridge loans etc.

Your suggestions, feedback, expectations may please be emailed to s20.training@gmail.com

– Tejas Patel